ecnl girls
elevate your opportunities
within the ecnl platform
The ECNL Girls Program provides our U12-U19 members (U12 is our Pre-ECNL) the highest level of competition available on a Regional and National level the Elite Club National Leagues (ECNL). Teams will be challenged in the top-level events and leagues throughout the country. The height of competition will be based upon the individual and the level of the teams. This program is the final phase within Eclipse’s Total Player Pathway before players move onto their college careers. The ECNL is an invite-only league, that consists of the top youth clubs across the country. A club’s ability to play in the ECNL requires an invitation from the respective league. The top youth clubs across the country play in the ECNL. Eclipse Select is proud to be one of the founding members of the ECNL as well as one of its top performers since 2009.
B e n e f i t s
For Eclipse Selects’ Elite Program players ages U-13 through U-18/19. This platform challenges each and every athlete with competition against the nation’s top teams and clubs. For high school-aged players, this has attracted massive appeal from a scouting standpoint, and exposure to college coaches and national team scouts is unparalleled. The ECNL has proved to excel in recruiting opportunities for our membership. It is a top priority for our staff to assist our players in finding the right school, athletically and academically, where he, or she, will be successful.
M i s s i o n
The Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) was founded in 2009 to enhance the developmental experience of female youth soccer players in the United States through:
Improving the competitive environment through the creation of a true national competitive league with multiple flights;
Improving the process for identifying elite female soccer players for the U.S. Soccer youth national teams through a systematic scouting and identification program based on national competitions; and
Improving the daily training environment at top female youth soccer clubs through developing best practices and training and organizational guidelines for its member clubs.
G o a l
The goal of the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) is to change the landscape for elite female soccer players in the United States through innovative, player-centered programming and to enhance the overall experience by creating a better, more enjoyable, and more successful player, coach, and club development model.
A c t i o n P l a n
To accomplish this goal, the ECNL developed a common organizational structure, composed of individual clubs operating collectively under the direction of a commissioner. Because the ECNL exists to promote the common interest of its member clubs, the ECNL operating model is unified and comprehensive and values accessibility and sustainability. The ECNL utilizes four primary delivery mechanisms, or platforms, for Changing the Daily Environment:
The Competition Platform;
The Player Identification Platform;
The Club and Coach Development Platform, and
The HER Platform (female-specific health, wellness, and rejuvenation platform).
Meet the Teams
2007/06 ECNL Girls
#9 Hanalei Allen
Class of 2026 | Defender
Saint Louis University
#7 gianna amidei
Class of 2026 | Forward
#17 Grace Cordova
Class of 2026 | Defender
#15 gabriella dittmer
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
#20 noelle dolan
Class of 2025 | Midfielder
Washington University St. Louis
#11 sydney dulak
Class of 2025 | Midfielder
Saint Louis University
#1 Mary claire galante
Class of 2025 | Goalkeeper
Lafayette College
#10 chloe kirsten
Class of 2026 | Defender
#21 Isabelle leofanti
Class of 2025 | Forward
Kent State University
#2 grace lisota
Class of 2026 | Forward
#33 caroline mortonson
Class of 2025 | Forward
Miami University (OH)
#30 Jada neill
Class of 2025 | Midfielder
#6 Keira Petrucelli
Class of 2025 | Midfielder
Johns Hopkins University
#13 annie philbin
Class of 2025 | Defender
University of Denver
#8 Cali Rucka
Class of 2025 | Defender
Class of 2025 | Goalkeeper
Western Michigan University
#32 Addison stanciak
Class of 2025 | Forward
Saint Louis University
#46 quinn urquhart
Class of 2025 | Defender
Indiana State University
#4 kayla washington
Class of 2026 | Forward
Western Michigan University
#4 gwen zimmerman
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
Northwestern University
2008 ECNL Girls
#33 paige baird
Class of 2026 | Forward
Bowling Green State University
#2 addison duval
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
#97 anabelle egeland
Class of 2026 | Defender
University of Michigan
#29 evelyn flores
Class of 2026 | Goalkeeper
#7 talyn guthrie
Class of 2026 | Forward
University of Pittsburgh
#24 brianna gutierrez
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
North Dakota State University
#4 Grace harper
Class of 2026 | Defender
#99 caroline kiesler
Class of 2027 | Midfielder
#1 Dominique klujian
Class of 2026 | Goalkeeper
#16 shea krakowski
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
#19 zimena magana
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
#18 tatum mailander
Class of 2026 | Defender
#6 marissa manning
Class of 2026 | Defender
#61 mekenzie rogers
Class of 2026 | Forward
Michigan State University
#17 lauren rosenberg
Class of 2026 | Forward
#9 keira rucka
Class of 2027 | Defender
2009 ECNL Girls
#21 marlowe buchanan
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#9 alaina chandola
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#14 lainey chung
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#5 brynn diedrich
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#1 alexis fischer
Class of 2028 | Goalkeeper Uncommitted
#27 isabella gutierrez
Class of 2027 | Goalkeeper Uncommitted
#8 yuridia hernandez
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#2 lila kontuly
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#17 itzel martinez
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#11 gabrielle masterson
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#12 ellen mclaughlin
Class of 2028 | Defender Uncommitted
#7 brianna nunez
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#4 alison porta
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#24 addy randall
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#19 aybree sanchez
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#10 quinn sansone
Class of 2028 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#15 whitney stacey
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#30 anaiah williams
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
2010 ECNL Girls
#5 daniella berruti
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#2 zoe chang
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#15 ariana glavatsky
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#1 dylan greenhouse
Class of 2029 | Goalkeeper
#00 olivia hasan
Class of 2029 | Goalkeeper
#77 olivia hindson
Class of 2029 | Forward
#7 asha kikama
Class of 2029 | Defender
#18 sophia korovilas
Class of 2029 | Defender
#30 sophia leone
Class of 2029 | Defender
#23 keira magee
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#16 danica meller
Class of 2029 | Forward
#14 isabela moreno
Class of 2030 | Forward
#20 avery o'brien
Class of 2029 | Defender
#9 victoria polanco
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#29 mia ransford
Class of 2029 | Defender
#11 jordyn sashin
Class of 2029 | Forward
#26 kenzie Szczerowski
Class of 2029 | Forward
#8 adelyn thomas
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
2011 ECNL Girls
#00 analia bello
Class of 2030 | Goalkeeper
#4 ansley bitsky
Class of 2030 | Defender
#2 giada colamatteo
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#52 ava douglas
Class of 2030 | Forward
#27 jordyn fertig
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#17 lena giustini
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#29 jenna laga
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#10 fiona may
Class of 2030 | Forward
#33 anna mortonson
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#13 mary mulvihill
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#11 mia peguero
Class of 2030 | Defender
#1 isabella Weissmueller
Class of 2030 | Forward
#30 cambria williams
Class of 2030 | Defender
#28 olivia winters
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
2012 ECNL Girls
#54 anna ahitow
Class of 2031 | Defender
#7 jazmin Almezquita
Class of 2031 | Forward
#14 danielle babcock
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#1 madeline benka
Class of 2031 | Defender
#9 gianna berardi
Class of 2031 | Forward
#27 ella crancer
Class of 2031 | Defender
#6 anisa grimm
Class of 2031 | Defender
#10 kaylee haney
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#28 annabelle hocking
Class of 2031 | Goalkeeper
#0 taylor hwan
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#3 adrianna liakouras
Class of 2031 | Defender
#13 giannah paredes marks
Class of 2031 | Forward
#5 allison mcnulty
Class of 2031 | Forward
#44 liberty perretta
Class of 2031 | Defender
#20 angelina Recchia
Class of 2031 | Defender
#77 claire wilhelm
Class of 2031 | Midfielder