ecnl regional league girls
Our ECNL Girls Regional League primarily plays in the ECNL Girls RL Heartland Conference, including Regional and possibly Nationals events. Its role in the Total Player Pathway is to serve developing players for higher levels. Traveling is similar to the ECNL programs but is still at a level that can be competitive and has the opportunity to further one’s development. This league also requires clubs to apply and be selected as having enough quality and depth in their squads U13 through U18/19 to participate. Players must try out to play at this level and then they are placed on the appropriate level team based on their abilities.
ECNL Girls Regional Leagues are operated and managed beneath the ECNL umbrella to ensure a consistent environment and professionalism across all leagues, facilitating more club connectivity between levels of play and providing a path for more players within each Member Club to reach their fullest potential. Each league allows for coordination and collaboration between the teams of different levels within ECNL clubs or opportunities for teams and players in other clubs to develop through regular high-level competition
B e n e f i t s
Our ECNL Girls RL program is an all-service system that meets the needs of under-13-year-olds to under-19-year-olds. It is designed to create a competitive environment for players to continue to develop their playing abilities and understand the game. As a branch of the wildly successful ECNL, the Regional League will offer a platform for players to showcase in front of college scouts at National Events and pair competitive competition for each league match.
M i s s i o n
The ECNL Girls Regional League (ECNL|RL) was founded in 2009 to enhance the developmental experience of female youth soccer players in the United States through:
Improving the competitive environment through the creation of a true national competitive league with multiple flights;
Improving the process for identifying elite female soccer players for the U.S. Soccer youth national teams through a systematic scouting and identification program based on national competitions; and
Improving the daily training environment at top female youth soccer clubs through developing best practices and training and organizational guidelines for its member clubs.
The goal of the ECNL Girls Regional League (ECNL|RL) is to change the landscape for elite female soccer players in the United States through innovative, player-centered programming and to enhance the overall experience by creating a better, more enjoyable, and more successful player, coach, and club development model.
A c t i o n P l a n
To accomplish this goal, the ECNL|RL developed a common organizational structure, composed of individual clubs operating collectively under the direction of a commissioner. Because the ECNL|RL exists to promote the common interest of its member clubs, the ECNL|RL operating model is unified and comprehensive and values accessibility and sustainability. The ECNL|RL utilizes four primary delivery mechanisms, or platforms, for Changing the Daily Environment:
The Competition Platform;
The Player Identification Platform;
The Club and Coach Development Platform, and
The HER Platform (female-specific health, wellness, and rejuvenation platform).
Meet the Teams
2007/06 ECNL RL Girls
#18 jenna benelkour
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#20 dakota benz
Class of 2026 | Defender
#11 sammy castillo
Class of 2025 | Midfielder
#23 vanessa colin
Class of 2025 | Defender Uncommitted
#16 macy evans
Class of 2026 | Midfielder
# kaidence hernandez
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#2 mariel lopez
Class of 205 | Forward Uncommitted
#9 Alondra Mendoza
Class of 2026 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#1 cristina ramirez
Class of 2026 | Goalkeeper Uncommitted
#3 daisy sarmiento
Class of 2025 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#25 skylar swanson
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#6 maya virgen
Class of 2026 | Midfielder Uncommitted
tereza cerna
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
angelina vazquez
Class of 2026 | Goalkeeper Uncommitted
2008 ECNL RL Girls
#99 angelina arroyo
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#1 liliana calderon
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#13 alexa campos
Class of 2026 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#11 sayuri esquivel
Class of 2026 | Forward Uncommitted
#18 araceli hernandez
Class of 2026 | Defender Uncommitted
#23 mareli miguel
Class of 2026 | Undecided Uncommitted
#36 alexandra rogan
Class of 2026 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#22 betzaira valdez
Class of 2026 | Undecided Uncommitted
#10 nataly velasco
Class of 2026 | Midfielder Uncommitted
2009 ECNL RL Girls
#32 grace anderson
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#7 sydney campfield
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#4 Martina Castrillon
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#21 Brianna Chavez
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#27 Cameron Furbee
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#5 Brooke Grapenthin
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#16 Melissa Guillen
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#20 caitlin king
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#9 Gabriella Makswiej
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#26 Anna Manderschied
Class of 2027 | Undecided Uncommitted
#13 Angelica Marquez
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#15 Emilyn McDonald
Class of 2027 | Undecided Uncommitted
#29 Mia Paoletto
Class of 2027 | Undecided Uncommitted
#17 Gabrielle Ray
Class of 2027 | Goalkeeper Uncommitted
#5 Cleo Sadler
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
#10 Brooke Schmidtgall
Class of 2027 | Undecided Uncommitted
#3 Emily Tilton
Class of 2027 | Forward Uncommitted
#6 Natalie Villa
Class of 2027 | Midfielder Uncommitted
#18 Lauren West
Class of 2027 | Defender
Josie Cadden
Class of 2027 | Defender Uncommitted
2010 ECNL RL Girls
#6 Amel Diop
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#18 Catherine Karmik
Class of 2029 | Goalkeeper
#16 Katy Loas
Class of 2029 | Forward
#29 Isabelle Luzadder
Class of 2029 | Defender
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#17 Lily Murdaugh
Class of 2029 | Goalkeeper
#10 Raquel Negrete
Class of 2029 | Forward
#11 Taylor Ohnemus
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#7 Jirely Ortiz
Class of 2029 | Forward
#22 Olivia Otto
Class of 2029 | Forward
#14 Lilianna Pagano
Class of 2029 | Goalkeeper
#8 Leticia Paredes
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#12 Rois Ramani
Class of 2029 | Defender
#5 Gemma Ramsdale
Class of 2029 | Defender
#2 Meredith Riordan
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#20 Allison Rodriguez
Class of 2029 | Defender
#4 Gabriela Russo
Class of 2029 | Defender
#33 Anna Schacht
Class of 2029 | Forward
#19 Andie Watts
Class of 2029 | Midfielder
#24 Stacy Zhang
Class of 2029 | Undecided
2011 ECNL RL Girls
#28 Abygail Anderson
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#1 Lexi Biddle
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#26 Yaretzi Cervantes
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#3 Katelyn Colgan
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#10 Charlotte Crannell
Class of 2030 | Goalkeeper
#8 Alexa Dalgety
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#4 Kayden Eckman
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#6 Layla Giraldo
Class of 2030 | Midfielder
#13 Olivia Jaworek
Class of 2030 | Defender
#17 Mia Kirkman
Class of 2030 | Forward
#31 lyla labelle
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#14 Nicole Menezes
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#20 Natasha Monsivais
Class of 2030 | Goalkeeper
#24 Jane Novak
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#5 Alessandra Panduro
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#12 Zoe Paoletto
Class of 2030 | Undecided
#11 Jaretzy Rodriguez
Class of 2030 | Forward
#33 Samara Somes
Class of 2030 | Defender
#27 Morgan Urban
Class of 2030 | Undecided
2012 ECNL RL Girls
#3 avery bonn
Class of 2031 | Forward
#30 daly byrne
Class of 2031 | Defender
#17 genesis gutierrez
Class of 2031 | Forward
#12 lilyan handley
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#18 aylin hernandez
Class of 2031 | Defender
#4 audrey kennedy
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#25 natalia orejel
Class of 2031 | Defender
#13 giannah paredes
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#23 Elisabella paredes
Class of 2031 | Forward
#16 samantha suvak
Class of 2031 | Forward
#72 elle stec
Class of 2031 | Forward
#21 janeliz rodriguez
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#15 liliana soukup
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#22 hattie smith
Class of 2031 | Midfielder
#37 lucy stanley
Class of 2031 | Defender
#8 nia Thibado
Class of 2031 | Midfielder